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A Statement for not Opening up Georgia - I interviewed 25 Georgia Citizens

Updated: Feb 18, 2022


I was asked to produce a Statement by 11-Alive

Annette Davis Jackson

To look at the effects of our warfare in the United States, I had to take a look at 25 individuals whose voices also matter in the State and this is how I will answer  the question of opening back up Georgia. 

 In an in-depth look, I will have to concur from the majority voices, that the Governor should "Be Still" as he works prayerfully and skillfully to chart out a better "Blueprint" for the State of Georgia as it relates to Crisis Management, Pandemics, and Leadership in crucial professional categories.  

We weren't prepared as a State to secure our people in a "health crisis", therefore, we must take time to build a safer and innovative approach to "People First", in our State and create the pipelines needed for people to thrive while waiting at home to go back to work.  Our hospitals, nurses, doctors, CNA's, and technicians, need our attention right now.  This is our #1 Priority.  

I learned, when one eats, we all eat.  Community and neighborhoods, to include, compassion and "True Philanthropy" are coming back to life again.  We cannot stop what's working while achieving the correct data, and not mixed-messaging.  We have put a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures.  This should be engraved in stone, forever.  No payments should have to be made up.  

History does show us a great revelation of Intervention, Prevention and choosing to "Save Lives".  Let's Save Lives, First!  

We do not know who to believe as citizens right now!  

We are not at our lowest Denominator.  Our State must stabilize our weakness right now to have on hand the proper protection equipment.  "We're not there yet".  We must de-escalate the passing of anyone!

"No Hurry"

"We Don't Know Enough"

"No, He Should Not"

"No!  Absolutely Not!  People need to get Tested"!  "We should be shut down with masks"

"I cannot answer Yes or No".  We do not have enough concrete information

"There might be a larger round of outbreaks".  "Learn from History".  "No".

"Wait, we don't have the Statistics"

""It's not time yet"

"We Cannot Rush"

"We Need a more Stable Structure"

"Make decision about Lives and not Money"

"Yes, there is only 1% that has the Virus"

"Yes, keep Seniors sheltered in place.  The curve has went down . . .

""No", A lot of people are saying, "It's too early"

"Yes, cautiously".

"No", The virus is not being contained".  

"There is no clear logic to resist it with MATH"

"This is a time for "Rest".  Let's take this Sabbatical".  "The Earth has been crying"

Yes, "No one is being forced out of their homes"

"If we have enough beds and equipment we should"

"We have to get people back to work"

"I think this is a mistake for the Governor to make this decision before the Month of May".  Did he have a conversation with the Mayors or Healthcare leaders in the State before making this decision?"

"Deal with what the real problem is:  The Truth about what is going on . . ."

"No, the Governor did not include his restrictions for opening up".  It should not be wide-open"

"No, "Some people are "Asymptomatic"

"Be Mindful", "Don't choose Money & Power - No Bullying - "You have to Quarantine"

"We cannot be the guinea pigs"

"Good health is also connected to being able to connect to people"

"The banks should not have been put in place to deliver the money".  "Small business loses this way"

"No, he should not because it is detrimental to his constituents.  They have not tested

Annette Davis Jackson - Governor Kemp this is a call to Action - Be Proactive by being Still!

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