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The Governor waives the Driving Test for Teens


Say What? Georgia No Longer Has Driving Test Requirement For Driver’s License Due To COVID-19 … For Now

Written By Brandon CaldwellPosted 21 hours ago Source: Dan Reynolds Photography / Getty Georgia is definitely in the race to try any and everything during the pandemic, aren’t they?! Georgia Governor Brian Kemp revealed a new executive order on Thursday that gives teenagers a pass on needing a formal driving test in order to receive their driver’s license. Yep, they won’t even have to take a road test. How will they get the approval for a license? Their parents have to sign off on it. Now why is this a new executive order? We’re pretty sure it’s COVID-19 related. All other driving requirements will still have to be met by potential drivers in Georgia but the road test, which would usually be conducted by an instructor will be dropped. Yes, it sounds as nuts as you think it does. The “easier” process will be in place as areas such as the Department of Driver Services carry out social distancing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those policies make the road tests that require a shared vehicle virtually impossible so state officials have dropped the road test altogether. “During these unprecedented times, the Department of Driver Services is trying to make it as easy as a process for people to get their license and to lessen the burden on people right now,” Stormi Kenny, a driving school owner within Georgia told Atlanta’s Fox 5.

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